Do I need a license to install low voltage landscape lighting?
Yes. If you are not licensed as an electrical or alarm contractor, you must have a limited energy (low voltage) specialty license unless the system falls under the following exemption:
A guide to Protecting yourself from unlicensed Individuals posing as Contractors each years property owners lose hundreds or thousands of dollars, not to mention the mental stress, to unlicensed individuals posing as contractors. STATE CERTIFIED, means those who have taken a state exam and can contract anywhere in the state of Florida.
The Building Division is committed to protecting the public against illegal contractors. Watch for warning signs which may indicate the person/company is not licensed….
- Newspaper/flyers or yellow page ads where only the telephone number appears and there is no business address.
- No license number on the vehicle, business card, contract newspaper/flyer or yellow page ad.
- A large down payment is requested before work begins.
- You are asked to obtain the permit.
- Permit is obtained by someone other than the person or company contracting to do the work.
- You’re informed that the job does not require a permit or inspection.
- Verbal contract only, person is not willing to pull all terms in writing.
- Then individual is only willing to work on weekends or after hours.
- Many requests for money (draws) during early phases of construction.
- You are asked to make checks payable in the individual’s name when it should be in a company name, or asked to make payment in cash, or to make a check payable to “cash”.
- The individual does not have proof of General Liability or Worker’s Compensation insurance.
Did you know….
- According to Florida Statute 455.228, if you hire an unlicensed individual, the Department of Business Regulations may issue a cease-and-desist order and also may take you to Circuit Court and could impose a civil penalty of up to $5,000 for aiding and abetting unlicensed activity. You could also be liable to for court costs.
- Also, Florida Statute 489.128 reads: “As a matter of public policy, contracts entered into on or after October 1, 1990, and performed in full or in part by any contractor who fails to obtain or maintain his license… shall be unenforceable in law, or in equity… “
- The hiring of an unlicensed individual could cause you to pay more for the job, than if you had hired a licensed contractor, especially if the work is done incorrectly or never finished. You may have to pay twice or more for the same job to be corrected or finished.
- If the unlicensed individuals fails to pay his sub-contractors or suppliers, you may be required to pay them, even though you have already paid the “contractor”.
- As the property owner, you are responsible for making sure that the proper permits
- Are obtained for the job.
- You may be held liable for any injuries on your property if the unlicensed individual has no insurance or worker’s compensation.